
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Summer Days, Drifting Away


September is upon us, and you know what that means: A new school year is just days away. Some of us who wait in anticipation may be experiencing the back to school jitters, while others look forward to the year that is to come. Regardless of your emotional state, I want to wish you all the best of luck. Work hard, and make the most of your educational career. Schooling is one of the most valuable things we have and it is important not to let it go to waste. As I was once told, "Knowledge is the special key to winning what you want in life and being who you want to be." Excellent words of advice, in my opinion.

Now, as you likely expected, I have a new graphic to share. My me-doll is seen below wearing an Yves Saint Laurent dress.



Vic said...

Thank you for such kind words. I wish all the same too you, and that quote actually really helped me, so thank you for that as well. :)

Lovely graphic, the dress looks stunning!

sparklewand12 said...

That is one fab dress!

Wooldoor said...

Just give your pose shading a tad more detail and you're perfect ;)